Podcasting 101

Currently, there are 464.7 million podcast listeners globally. That is 8.68% of the total internet users. So, how does the church be better equipped to enter that content space confidently and boldly? In this breakout, we will range from the practical aspects of podcasting to the philosophical viewpoints of podcasting. The goal is that if you feel led to be a voice of truth in this culture and plan to use a podcast to do so, by the time you leave this breakout you will have the keys and the foundation to do so.

In this demonstration, you will observe a live recording of a 15-minute Overflow Podcast: The Story of the Sailboat, with creative writer Jess Ciaramitaro and Pastor Casey Connell. 

Speaker Bio

Benny serves as the Church Online Director/Production Direction at The Woods Church, consulting with churches across the nation. He also is the creator and editor of the Not So Sunday Podcast alongside the team of hosts at The Woods Church. He has a passion for leading teams and building people into leaders. With a long history of worship and creative ministry, Benny has a large understanding of how many pieces affect the atmosphere of worship both in the room, through the ear, and behind a lens.

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