Over the past two decades, the Western church has come face to face with our own lack of wisdom, revelation, and power in most situations. We have realized that our witty church models, creative structures, programs, and strategies have left us spiritually bankrupt. We have witnessed deconstruction movements. Doctrinal and theological destruction has shaped an entire generation. At the core, our problem started when we willingly gave up our life-giving Sacred Rhythms for cultural ones. This is a call back to practicing the Sacred Rhythms of His Presence.

Speaker Bio

John MacDonald is the Lead Pastor of The Woods Church and is a 24-year ministry veteran. His heart is to build presence-driven, life-giving, spirit-empowered people and churches. He has made prayer the foundation and growth strategy of all they do. He and his wife, Holly, have been married for 23 years, and they have two teenage boys, Hudson (16) and Maddox (14).

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